John Caesar's story can be told using documents of the time, which tell us as much
about the writers as the convict.
The following documentary evidence has been selected
from Cobley, Sydney Cove, Volumes 1-5. The spelling and
punctuation is as reported in Cobley.
The extracts illuminate both the advantages and disadvantages of using
a database to study history, as well as telling us much about Captain
Collins' attitudes, in terms of his explanation for Caesar's crimes, his
attitude to bounty hunters, as well as his changing attitude towards Caesar.
30 April 1788
John Caesar was accused of stealing 4 lbs of bread, the property of
Richard Partridge. Partridge said that he missed some bread from his
tent on Tuesday evening, 29th of April. He suspected Caesar, who denied
the theft. Partridge felt some bread in Caesar's bag but Caesar said
that Mr. Shairp had given it to him. (Vol. 1, p. 131-2)
29 April 1789
Scott wrote: two Black men (Convicts) one by the name of
Ceasar and the other called Black Jemmy was tryd by the Criminal Court
for theft. The former transported for Life and the latter to Receve 500
Lasshes. (Vol. 2, p. 32)
13 May 1789
Scott recorded in his diary: Black Caesar the Convict that
was tried the 29th of April 89 (and Sentinced to be Transported for Life) Elloped
from Camp taking with him Arms and Ammunition belonging to Abraham Hand, Marine,
with several other articules. (Vol. 2, p. 37)
26 May 1789
Scott wrote: ... the Above Black Ceasar Robed the Brick
makers of a Quantity of provision (pursued by a party from Quarters but
to no Effect)." (Vol. 2, p. 39)
6 June 1789
Scott's diary: Black Ceasar, the Convict that Eloped
from Camp 13th May 89 was taken about twelve oclock At night by Saltmarsh, a
Convict, close to Mr Zacharyah Clark's House.
There is no record of a trial of Caesar at this time however.
Collins wrote: This man has always reputed the hardest
working convict in the country; his frame was muscular and well calculated
for hard labour; but in his intellects he did not very widely differ from a
brute; his appetite was ravenous, for he could in any one day devour the full
ration for two days. To gratify his appetite he was compelled to steal from
others, and all his thefts were directed to that purpose. He was such a
wretch, and so indifferent about meeting death, that he declared while in
confinement, that if he should be hanged, he would create a laugh before
he was turned off, by playing some trick upon the executioner. Holding up
such a mere animal as an example was not expected to have the proper or
intended effect; the governor therefore, with the humanity that was always
conspicuous in his exercise of the authority vested in him, directed that
he should be sent to Garden Island, there to work fetters; and in addition
to his ration of provisions he was to be supplied with vegetables from the
Garden. (Vol. 2, p. 49-50)
22 December 1789
Caesar absconded in a canoe from Garden Island,
where according to Collins: his situation ... had been some
time back rendered more eligible by being permitted to work without
irons. (Vol. 2, p. 124)
25 December 1789
Bradley wrote that Caesar "paid them a vist in the night and stole a musquet" (Vol. 2, p. 124)
30 January 1790
Collins described the surrender of Caesar, who "after his escape
from and subsequent visit at Garden Island, found his way up
to Rose Hill, whence he was brought ...very much wounded by some
natives whom he had met with in the woods. Being fearful of severe
punishment for some of his late offences, he reported, on being brought
in, that he had fallen in with our cattle, which had been so long lost; that
they had increased by two calves; that they seemed to be under the care of
eight or ten natives, who attended them closely as they grazed; and that, on
his attempting to drive the cattle before him, he was wounded by another
party of natives. The circumstances of his being wounded was the only part
of his story that met with any credit, and that could not well be contradicted, as
he had several spear wounds about him in different parts of his body; but every
thing else was looked upon as a fabrication (and that not well contrived) to avert
the lash which he knew hung over him. He was well known to have as small as share of
veracity as of honesty. His wounds however requiring care and rest, he was secured,
and placed under the surgeon's care at the hospital. (Vol. 2, p 133-4)
31st January 1790
Bradley wrote: Caesar a notorious Convict, a Native of Madagascar, delivered
himself up to the Officer at Rose Hill. (Vol. 2, p. 134)
3 March 1790
Collins wrote Among the male convicts (being sent to Norfolk
Island) the governor had sent the troublesome and incorrigible Caesar, on
whom he had bestowed a pardon. (Vol. 2, p. 158)
July 1794
Collins reports Soon after these executions, Caesar, still
incorrigible, took up again his former practise of subsisting in the
woods by plundering the farms and huts at the outskirts of the towns. he
was soon taken; but on his being punished, and that with some severity, he
daclared with exultation and contempt, that 'all that would not make
him better... (Vol. 4, p. 163)
December 1795
Collins reports A savage of a darker hue, and full as far
removed from civilisation, black Caesar, once more fled from honest
labour to the woods, there to subsist by robbing the settlers. (Vol. 5, p. 27)
January 1796
The Governor issued an order on the 29 January 1796, offering a
reward for the capture of Black Caesar and warning settlers against
providing miscreants with ammunition.
Collins wrote Notwithstanding the reward ... black Caesar ... remained
at large, and scarcely a morning arrived without a complaint being made to the
magistrates of a loss of property to have been occassioned by this man. In fact,
every theft that was committed was ascibed to him. (Vol. 5, p. 36)
February 1796
Collins wrote "On Monday the 15th ... information was received
that black Caesar had that morning been shot by one Wimbow. This man and
another, allured by the reward, had been for some days in quest of him. Finding
his haunt, they concealed themselves all day at the edge of the brush which
they perceived him to enter at dusk. In the morning he came out, when, looking
round him and seeing his danger, he presented his musquet; but before he could
pull the trigger Wimbow fired and shot him. He was taken to the hut
of Rose, .... where he died in a few hours." (Vol. 5, p. 43)
[Story Index]
